The son of a Disney animator, artist Stanley Mouse is the renowned artist of rock music posters and campy T-shirts. He developed his craft during his childhood in Detroit, while also using the “Mouse” signature, instead of his Miller surname. Forgoing college graduation for San Francisco, he then dove into the 1960s psychedelic art scene, creating what he called “weirdo art,” which are some of the most collectible Stanley Mouse paintings. Often collaborating with the late Alton Kelley, together they produced iconic works, including the Grateful Dead's skeleton and rose, Ice Cream Kid/Rainbow Food, and Truckin' images, Journey's Captured and Escape album covers, and the ZigZag Man lithograph, and you'll find many of these sought-after Stanley Mouse paintings and prints for sale at Invaluable.
Sleek, curvy Art Nouveau lettering typically defines Stanley Mouse art, and you can find these and other vintage posters for sale at auction, with illustrations ranging from the vivid Cosmic Car Show, to the subtle Peace Pooh-Joan Baez. In addition to international museum showcases and psychedelic Stanley Mouse art for sale at auctioneers like Bonham's of London, he's also known for his cartoonish monsters and subdued oil paintings.