Robinhood Auctions

Rob Hefferan


Rob Hefferan, 44, from Cheshire, creates incredibly photorealistic work Oil on canvas paintings take an average of about 150 hours to complete
Rob paints from real life and from photo shoots which he art directs His work is available throughout UK galleries for around £9,000

At a glance Rob Hefferan's latest work could be mistaken for high-fashion photographs of refined taste.

His romantic images of a bride posing elegantly in a grand lavish house look so realistic, you'd never guess they were paintings.

The painter, 44, from Cheshire, is heavily influenced by grand masters of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. His photorealistic work is astounding both in its realism and the intricate details captured in each frame.

The Swan: Each of Rob's paintings can take up to 150 hours to complete

The series of paintings capture the sophisticated beauty of a bride and her groom posing throughout an extravagant mansion.

Working in oil on canvas on paintings that take an average of about 150 hours to complete, Rob works from real life and from photo shoots which he art directs.

Set in lavish locations and grand houses, each shoot consists of professional models, photographer, stylists and make-up artists artists - at a cost of around £6,000.

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