Robinhood Auctions

Hugues Claude Pissarro

French artist Hugues Claude Pissarro exhibited his first artwork in 1949, at the age of 14. He was taught to paint by his father, the noted painter Paulemelie Pissarro, and later studied art formally in Paris at the Ecole du Musee du Louvre. Painter Hugues Claude Pissarro's paintings of French country cottages and bustling cities from earlier in his career show his skill with the Impressionist style.

Artist Hugues Claude Pissarro painted in many styles from abstract and avant-garde to conceptual, and finally contemporary. By 1989, he began using the pseudonym Isaac Pomie to distinguish his contemporary landscapes from his previous pieces. Thick, richly textured paint is a keystone of most Pissarro landscape paintings for sale. Browse through works that display the beauty of European living, and purchase regional landscape paintings that reflect your favorite travel destination.